You can find here a list of all standards with more details per sector, according to our competence sectors.
Number of results:83

Prüf Nach! "retour aux sources"
Die Prüf Nach!-Datenbank für Qualitätssicherung und Rückverfolgung

QM FROMARTE Food safety
Qualty assurance system for small cheese dairies

QSC 2.0 (2016)
" Quality School Certificate"
Qualitätssicherungskonzept für die Produktion von Schweizer Eiern
QA requirements for suppliers

Rheintaler Ribelmais AOP

SANS 10330:2020 (not accredited)

Sbrinz AOP

Sector standard sustainable swiss milk (Green carpet
Sustainability standard for milk production and processing (Green carpet)
Spécialité du Canton du Jura

St. Galler Bratwurst / Kalbsbratwurst IGP
Protected geographical indication PGI

Suisse Garantie
Guarantee mark for Swiss origin of Agro-Marketing Suisse
Supplier audits for the Federation of Migros Cooperatives
Audits according to Migros standard for suppliers without GFSI-recognised certification

Sustainability of fruit

Swiss plants
Sales promotion of ornamental plants, perennials, nursery plants and cut flowers produced in Switzerland

SwissGAP Fruit and Vegetables
Scheme of SwissGAP Association based on GLOBALG.A.P.

SwissGAP Horticulture
Benchmarked Scheme based on GLOBALG.A.P.